Hennessy representative: I don't know such a spirit as Armenian cognac

19.04.2013 | 17:36 Home / News / News /

This week it was announced that Armenia raises the issue of retaining the right for the wording “Armenian cognac” during talks on creating Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with the European Union.

But it's obvious that the French brandy producers do their best to retain their exclusive right for “cognac” brand. It may be proved by the excerpt from the interview of the Hennessy Cognac House representative in Russia Joel Lambert to "Lipetsk Live Portal".

"- How do you assess Armenian cognac?

- I don't know such a spirit. There is Armenian brandy not cognac. Cognac is what is produced in the province of Cognac in France. All the rest all over the world are called in a different way".

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