We can do more in trade and economic relations, U.S. Ambassador says

15.02.2012 | 12:10 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Today, USAID launched a five-year “Enterprise development and market competitiveness” program, aimed at the growth of economic competition in Armenia.

Mediamax reports that USAID Armenia Mission Director Jatinder Cheema said that such program is implemented in the region for the first time. According to her, the elaboration of the program was a difficult process as it had no precedents in the South Caucasus.

“The program will be successfully realized only if we believe and cooperate with the private sector. Today Armenia is on the stage when the country needs to take big steps to develop the economy,” she said.

U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern said in his turn that prior to his arrival to Armenia, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outlined three priority directions in Armenian-U.S. relations. “First- the development of the economy, second- elections and third- deep and close relations. We believe we can do more in trade and economic relations,” said the Ambassador.

The U.S. official especially highlighted the necessity of improvement of the business-atmosphere in Armenia by attracting foreign investments and providing market competition in the country.

In his speech, Armenian Minister of Economy Tigran Davtyan emphasized the importance of the program, noting that its goals coincide with priority directions of Armenian government’s activity.

“We hope to see the real results of the program. I think it must differ from other programs of economic assistance to Armenia as today we have other knowledge, other experience and other level of development,” the Minister said.

“Enterprise development and market competitiveness” program will stimulate sustainable growth in employment and incomes in Armenia by promoting growth in high potential value chains which have strong export potential.

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