Industrial production of AMD 29 499.5mln produced in the NKR over January-August 2011

28.09.2011 | 11:37 Home / News / News /
Yerevan/Mediamax/. Over January-August 2011, industrial production of AMD 29 499.5mln was produced in the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR).

Metal mining industry makes 46.1%, processing industry -32.8%, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water – 21.1% within the industrial production, Mediamax was told in the NKR National Statistical Service.

Over 8 months of 2011, the production volume of consumer goods made AMD5 383,2mln exceeding the level of the same period of 2011 by 15.8%.

Construction works of AMD 25 388,9mln were realized in the NKR from January up to August 2011.
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