Yerevan/Mediamax/. "HayPost" CJSC and "HayPost Trust Management B.V." signed an agreement with "La Poste S.A." French National Post Operator, aiming at developing "HayPost". Mediamax was informed in the press service of "HayPost" CJSC that following the development program, it is planned to turn "HayPost" into a modern, efficient post operator, equipped with current technology.Soon "La Poste S.A." group of experts will visit Armenia to work out a development program and a master-plan, and this will be followed by operative and efficient introduction and implementation of the program.Given assistance of the French post operator, "HayPost Trust Management B.V." plans to develop traditional post services, introduce modern courier and financial services, aiming at turning "HayPost" into the leading regional post operator. Tweet Views 12370