Office of Armenian Financial System Ombudsman received 29 complaints in May

10.06.2009 | 10:19 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. In May, 2009, the Office of the Financial Ombudsman of Armenia received 29 complaints against financial organizations, 15 of which were not subject to consideration according to the current legislation.

As Mediamax was informed in the Office of the Ombudsman of the Financial System, 4 out of 14 complaints, which were subject to consideration, were received in written form. 8 complaints were within the framework of the Ombudsman’s authority, however the customers did not present complaint claims to the financial organization according to the established order. The employees of the office helped compose the claims.

Basing on two verbal complaints, the employees of the office explained to the applicants their rights and duties and held talks with financial organizations. As a result, both complaints were met without formal consideration of the claims.

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