In 2014, ProCredit Bank gained a profit of AMD 502 million, which represents a capital profitability of 5.7%. In 2013, the bank broke even and recorded its first annual profit, AMD 22 million.“It is noteworthy that these results are due to ProCredit’s stable and balanced development, which means that both clients and international investors trust the bank.This trust is evidenced by the fact that in 2014 ProCredit Holding, the bank’s parent company, provided the bank with a subsidiary loan of USD 7.5 million in order to reinforce the bank’s stability and growth”, the press release disseminated by the Bank reads. At the end of 2014, the bank’s total capital amounted to AMD 11.8 billion, which is in compliance with the requirements set by the Central Bank of Armenia. “Since 2008, ProCredit Bank has followed a policy of establishing long-term and stable relationships with its clients”, said Head of Budgeting, Controlling and Reporting Unit Gor Gabuzyan. Tweet Views 5629