There won't be preferences for air carriers, Arman Khachaturyan says

25.12.2013 | 09:43 Home / News / News /

Executive Director of the National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia Arman Khachaturyan said that Armenia's declaration of “open air” policy is available both for international and domestic carriers.

“There won't be any limitations of number of carriers. There won't be a national air carrier either and any preferences to this or that carrier. Open and competitive business environment for interested and certified air carriers will be created. The time will show how many air companies will operate in Armenia”, said Arman Khachaturyan in his interview to Kommersant.

“We need air companies meeting certain requirements in terms of technical and human resources and having considerable financial sustainability. The aviation sector is a unique tool which defines the international reputation of this or that country. Taking this into account, we will have a Professional Board which will ensure viability and effective operation of local air carriers”, noted Arman Khachaturyan.

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