Lydian International introduced its Amulsar investment project in annual Mines & Money Conference and Exhibition in London.It is one of Europe’s leading mining investment and capital raising exhibitions, bringing together over 3,000 investors, financiers, brokers and mining companies.Andor Lips, Vice President for Natural Resources Metals and Mining of ING bank based in Netherlands, said:“Over the past seven years Lydian International has worked hard across all corners of the globe on promoting Armenia as an investment destination and on demonstrating a successful business approach in Armenia through the initial development of the Amulsar project. The pro-active approach adopted by Lydian, and its engagement with all stakeholders, combined with the strong production performance characteristics as suggested by the excellent geological and technical fundamentals of the Amulsar project, provide a firm basis to successfully build the first modern gold operation in Armenia”.Representing Lydian at the conference was Roderick Corrie, Chief Financial Officer of Lydian International who said “At this time of economic volatility it is not an easy job to attract investment into the mining sector, especially into a relatively unknown investment destination such as Armenia. However, Lydian has made a huge effort in promoting Armenia. With international shareholders involved such as the IFC and EBRD, we are hopeful that the Amulsar project will be a success story both for other investors and for the country as a whole. ” Tweet Views 3829