Yerevan Brandy Company to purchase "unprecedented volume" of grapes

06.09.2013 | 16:41 Home / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. This year, Yerevan Brandy Company is going to purchase 35 000 tons of grapes which exceeds the 2012 index by 10 000 tons.

"This purchase volume is unprecedented for the past 15 years", Yerevan Brandy Company told Mediamax.

The purchase starts in Aygavan branch on September 9, in Armavir branch - on September 10 and in the town of Berd - on September 17.

Price for 1 kg of grapes is set at the amount of AMD145 for branches in Armavir and Aygavan and AMD135 for Berd branch against last year's AMD140 and AMD130 respectively. Each farmer will get the sum for the grapes within 3-4 days after the crop is delivered.

The debts of the wine-growers cooperating with the Yerevan Brandy Company whose harvest was fully damaged as a result of the hail in May will be zeroized. As of the preliminary calculations, the company will write off the debts (approximately 54 mln AMD) of over 340 wine-growers in Armavir region.

In 2013, Yerevan Brandy Company increased the number of contracts with the wine-growers by 906. Paying special attention to development of industry in border regions of Armenia and consistently increasing the volumes of grape purchased in Tavush, the company will purchase 4000 tons of grapes here including almost the whole crop of the border villages.

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