Armenia's economic activity keeps slowing down

22.07.2013 | 11:03 Home / News / News /

As of January-June 2013, the index of economic activity in Armenia grew by 4.4% against the same period of 2012 (the index of January - June - 5.3%).

Against May, the index of economic activity grew by 11.9% and by 1.3% - against May 2012, the National Statistical Service of Armenia told Mediamax.

In June 2013, volume of industrial production grew by 9.2% against the same period of 2012, 4.4%- agricultural production, 0.1% - trade turnover, 12.9% - export. In June, construction decreased by 8.3% against the same month of 2012, the service volume - 1.5%, energy production - 7.2% and import - 0.3%.

As of January -June 2013, the industrial production volume made AMD567bln 410.1mln having increased by 8.3% against the same period of 2012.

Trade turnover grew by 3.5% (AMD942bln 681.8mln), the services volume - 4.4% (AMD478bln 232.1mln).

2.1% growth (AMD200bln 196.9mln) was registered in agriculture against the same period of 2012 and the construction field registered 8.2% decline (AMD123bln 319.1mln).

As of January -June 2013, energy production decreased by 4.9% having made 3860.7 kWh.

Prices for consumer and industrial goods increased by 4.1% and 4.8% respectively against the same period of 2012.

As of January - June 2013, average monthly nominal salary increased by 2.7% having made AMD 142 642 (USD346) against the same period of 2012.

Foreign trade turnover of Armenia made USD2bln 671.2mln or 1trln 102.6bln having increased by 0.8% against the same period of 2012.

Export volume grew by 9.9% as of January - June having made AMD288.3bln or USD 699.7mln in the accounting period. Import decreased by 2.1% having made AMD814.3bln or USD1bln 971.5mln in the accounting period.

Foreign trade deficit of Armenia made AMD526bln or USD1mln 271.8mln in January - June 2013.

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