ProCredit Bank completes the first stage of photo contest (photoset)

19.07.2013 | 13:49 Home / News / News /

ProCredit Bank has completed the first stage of its photo contest “Made in Armenia”. Fifty photos have been selected from among around 1000 entries and will now be split into groups of ten and exhibited in five ProCredit branches: Malatia, Mashtots, Davitashen, Shengavit and Moskovyan.

Each photo portrays a subject that is close to the photographer’s heart, with one requirement that all photos must reflect some aspect of Armenia and Armenian life.

Fifty unique and beautiful photographs that have passed to the second stage will continue the fight for 13 prize-winning places. The contest finalists will be announced at a special event in September 2013. The winning photographs will be selected by a jury and by members of the audience at the event. Winners will be granted prizes and the first place photographer will be awarded a trip for two to Germany.

In 22 countries all over the world, ProCredit banks organise exciting events like this one. In this way, the group aims to support local artists by giving them a chance to exhibit their work in public.

All 50 photos are available in the photo gallery.

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