Yerevan Brandy Factory expects up to 28% growth this year

08.04.2013 | 15:08 Home / News /

Yerevan Brandy Factory (ArArAt brand) increased its sales by 25% (3.5mln liters) in 2012 and the factory is expected to register 27-28% growth this year which is equal to 1.2mln liters of brandy or 2mln additional bottles, General Director of Yerevan Brandy Factory Ara Grigoryan said this today.

According to him, the factory is going to store a record-breaking 35 thousand tons of grapes this year.

In March 2013, the official presentation of ArArAt brandy was held in the capital of Slovakia Bratislava where the Armenian brandy will be available in stores, stores network, hotels, restaurants and cafes from now on becoming the first Armenian brandy to be exported to Slovakia within "Premium Beverage" category. Until now, ArArAt's 5-star Selected, Akhtamar and Nairi brandies (total volume  of 20 thousand liters) were imported to Slovakia.

Touching upon ArArAt's share in Armenian market, Ara Grigoryan said that the growth potential here is almost exhausted.

"ArArAt brandy share on the domestic market is 18-19% but it's in case when about 65% of the market is up to AMD3000 brandies which should be eliminated for good and we have zero share there. Our share in the "Standard" (3-5star) segment is around 30%. We take the 65% of the market of "Premium" category brandy in Armenia, while in "Super Premium" category - 97%", said the head of the Yerevan Brandy Factory.

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