Ardshininvestbank provides trade finance of Mazda and Suzuki cars’ import

30.01.2013 | 10:08 Home / News / News /

In order to execute the Bank’s customer “Top Motors” LLC transactions, “Ardshininvestbank” CJSC periodically issues documentary letters of credit in favor of Japanese Mazda Corporation, which enables Mazda cars’ importations to Armenia since Januray, 2013.  

The letters of credit issued by the bank are confirmed by primary foreign banks which allows Armenian importer to defer the payments under the contract on favorable terms, bank's press-service informs.
In order to execute the Bank’s customer “Royal Motors” LLC transactions as well, Ardshininvestbank has also guaranteed the regular importation of Japanese Suzuki car’s  newest models to Armenia.

“Ardshininvestbank considers its customers’ trade finance transactions to have a significant potential and, based on each individual deal’s structure, offers optimal financial schemes, that allow importers to import goods with deferred payment without diverting their own working capital”, - bank noted.

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