Inflation in Armenia will be close to the target index in late 2012, Minister of Finance assures

02.08.2012 | 15:04 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. By the end of the year the inflation in Armenia will be very close to the target index (4±1,5 percentage points).

Minister of Finance Vache Gabrielyan stated this today presenting the macro-economic indices of Armenia as of the first half-year of 2012, Mediamax reports.

According to the Minister, the adjusted index of the economic activity is quite reassuring (7.8%) and the index of economic activity growth fluctuates within 6-6.5% this year. 

In July, AMD 80.5bln was paid to the state budget as taxes and social benefits instead of the planned AMD 79.5bln.

\"All the indices show that the rate is good and we are sure to have growth in economy and tax collection\".

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