“DVIN 50 Appreciation Ceremony”: Ruben Vardanyan, David Yang, Stas Namin and many others

27.06.2012 | 17:46 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. “DVIN 50 Appreciation Ceremony” was held in “Studio of Theater Art” Moscow theater on June 26. The ceremony dedicated to the re-launch of the legendary “Dvin” brandy turned into a tribute to the 50 outstanding people who had made their significant contribution to promotion of the Armenian heritage and culture all over the world.

50 prominent representatives of culture, business and politics living in 20 countries were selected as a result of the international survey conducted among connoisseurs of ArArAt brandy.

The guests gathered in the cozy patio of the “Studio of Theater Art” an hour before the awards ceremony. They strolled, taking delight in the warm summer evening, talked to each other and tasted “Dvin’’ brandy based cocktails.

A short film about Armenia, its traditions and “Dvin” brandy opened the official part which was followed by a touching mono-performance played by Russian cinema star Chulpan Khamatova.

Chulpan admitted she was very glad to be invited to conduct the ceremony as she didn’t know much about Armenia before. Within the specially staged mono-performance, she narrated about the beauty and great cultural traditions of Armenia, read poems by Andrey Beliy and Valeri Brusov.

“We gathered here to express our gratitude toward outstanding people – perhaps, best of the best – doctors, artists, architects and businessmen…”. Chulpan sincerely thanked many prize-winners noting the inestimable help of the founder of Troika Dialog and philanthropist Ruben Vardanyan to “Give Life” Charity Foundation.

Brand Director for ArArAt at Pernod Ricard Rouss Karine Madelrieu was the first to come to the stage to express the gratitude toward the nominees of DVIN 50 – people who set high goals and reached them and that’s what  makes our world better.

Singer, composer and producer Stas Namin spoke about the ancient culture of the Armenian people, its unity and the global phenomenon called “love towards Armenia”.

Founder and Chairman of the Board of ABBYY David Yang thanked Armenia, Yerevan Physics and Mathematics School and Institute of Physics of Yerevan for what he had achieved in his life.

Anna Kasyan, an opera singer, who specially arrived at the ceremony from France, sang as a token of gratitude to her country and organizers of the ceremony arousing a storm of applauds.

Director of Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovskiy, film director Roman Balayan, astrophysicist Garik Israyelyan, opera singer Hasmik Papyan, surgeon Bagrat Alekyan, journalist, Head of Russia Today TV Channel Margarita Simonyan, actor Armen Jigarkhanyan, General Director of “Sukhoy” aviation holding company Mikhail Poghosyan and Chief Editor of Interview magazine Alena Doletskaya were also present at the ceremony.

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