Geoteam responds to ANC

22.02.2012 | 12:27 Home / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Today, “Geoteam” CJSC commented on the statement of the Committee on Nature Protection of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) made on February 21.

“On February 21, the Committee on Nature Protection of the Armenian National Congress described as “inadmissible” the exploitation of Amulsar deposit without any grounds. It’s surprising that the political force is making such statements acting as a judge. We think the ANC Committee on Nature Protection must at least study the researches and the conclusions of foreign and local ecologists which are available on our site

If after studying these materials ANC specialists continue to consider our program as “inadmissible” we are ready to invite them to public debates with the participation of the public and the media.

The program of Amulsar is realized strictly in line with the norms of Armenia’s environmental law. It is transparent and responsible from the social and ecological viewpoints of the company whose stocks are listed on Toronto Stock Exchange, and having authoritative international institutional shareholders, from the very first day of its activity Geoteam has been guided by international social and environmental standards.

Since 2006 and until today, our company has invested $30 million in Armenia and more $52 million will be invested this year. Geoteam has not only provided stable work to the residents of communities around Amulsar and realized a number of social programs but also changed these people’s way of thinking and their attitude towards life. So, the ANC’s Committee on Nature Protection thinks that all this is also “inadmissible”.

Geoteam is always ready for professional discussions and debates. This is why, using the opportunity, we urge on all political forces to abstain from populist statements and the temptation to make the activity of our company a subject of election speculations,” the company said in a comment.

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