Yerevan/Mediamax/. International donors and other organizations discussed the comprehensive institution building (CIB) which is an innovative approach developed by the EU Eastern Partnership aimed at speeding up the implementation of reforms in Armenia. In its turn, the Armenian government introduced the Institutional Reforms Program worked out within CIB, Mediamax reports.Armenian Minister of Economy Tigran Davtyan stated that the CIB is aimed at implementation of reforms in 3 main areas:-implementation of provisions envisaged by the agreement on preparations for negotiations on the Association Agreement;- assistance to the judicial, human rights protection and security spheres;-assistance to the preparatory works of the negotiations on establishing a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with the EU;“These programs are ready, we have introduced them to our partners but this process can’t be realized at once. It’s a long process which requires long-term works and clear directions of actions on our part and by our partners”, said Tigran Davtyan.The Minister stressed that the EU allocated EUR 32mln for the implementation of the program in 2011-2013.Tigran Davtyan expressed the hope that the negotiations on establishing a Free Trade Area with the EU wills start in the first half of 2012. “We have realized large-scale work and I think if we keep working like this we may finish the negotiations which mainly last 5 years within 2-3 years”, stated Tigran Davtyan answering Mediamax’s question. Tweet Views 4848