“Artificial intelligence will significantly change the world, including the financial sector”

18.10.2024 | 16:11 Home / News / Fintech /
#AI #DOM.RF #Artem Fedorko
The main trend for the financial sector in general and the banking industry in particular is artificial intelligence (AI). In my opinion, this is the biggest technological revolution in the history of mankind. It is something that will significantly change the world, including the financial sector.

Artem Fedorko, Chairman of the Management Board of Bank DOM.RF, said in an interview to TASS on the margins of Finopolis – forum of innovative financial technologies.

“Artificial intelligence technologies have become widely used in the financial sector. This is especially noticeable when working with clients. We are talking, among other things, about digital assistants in the format of call centers. Equally important is the way an organization builds its work internally. In particular, banks analyze the needs of their audience and offer services that best fit their profile,” said Artem Fedorko.

According to him, for a long time it was thought that digital services would be implemented in the most routine processes and operations, while the most intelligent and complex tasks would be reserved for humans. “Now we see that artificial intelligence is getting better at handling creative tasks. In this part, it even surpasses the physical and intellectual capabilities of people, while ensuring a high level of quality,” the banker said.

At the same time, he believes that so far artificial intelligence cannot replace humans in personal interaction.

“Live interaction is critical for people when receiving services, where the trust factor that is formed through personal interaction is significant. This is manifested during important decisions such as buying a home or getting a mortgage. There are not many such moments in a person’s life, so live interaction with a consultant is very important. People seek to get comfort by “looking at the eyes.” Contact is also important in corporate finance, when lending for large complex infrastructure projects. It will be impossible to structure the implementation and risks of such transactions without personal interaction between the client and the bank for a long time,” emphasized Artem Fedorko.

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