Pensions and allowances in Armenia to increase by 10% from 2012

15.12.2011 | 14:23 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/.  From January 2012, pensions and allowances n Armenia will increase by 10%.

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said this today, Mediamax reports

From January 1, 2012, average pension will increase from AMD 26 thousand up to AMD 28 thousand and family allowance will make AMD 30-31 thousand on average.

“Assistance to families in need will bear a continuing character”, said the Prime Minister.

Under the government’s decision made today, 116 thousand families in need will be given assistance – 3 bottles of sunflower oil for each family.

In his turn, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of Armenia Artur Grigoryan clarified that the oil in the stores should have been sold by auction and the sum should have been paid to the state budget but it was decided to hand the oil over to families in need.

Under another decision made by the government, tuition fees of 600 students from families in need will be covered.

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