EIB to finance the modernization program of Armenia’s northern check points

15.12.2011 | 11:37 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. The European Investment Bank (EIB) will finance the modernization program of three Armenian northern check points- Bagratashen, Gogavan and Bavr.

This was stated at the meeting of Secretary of Armenian National Security Council Artur Baghdasaryan with the delegation of EIB experts headed by Georgia Kutsiani, the press service of Armenian National Security Service informed Mediamax.

Artur Baghdasaryan said that three vital stages of the program have been implemented this year- drafting of technical tasks and necessary construction works.

According to him, an international tender for the implementation of construction works will be announced in early 2012, as a result of which  the selected organization will carry out the works for the technical equipment of three check points in line with modern standards of EU “Yellow Book”.

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