Alex-Grig, Sas group, Star Divide and 7 more companies fined by the Antimonopoly Commission of Armenia

21.11.2011 | 13:16 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. During the session held in Yerevan today, State Commission for Protection of Economic Competition  (SCPEC) of Armenia published the results of the administrative production concerning the realization of the vegetable-oil spread sold  as butter and its retail sales afterwards.

It turned out as a result of the production that for the one hand, “Bio Food”, “Brand Leader”, “Cartel Anna”, “Felix Sarg” and “Ardis” LTD imported vegetable-oil spread and sold it as butter and for the other hand, supermarkets owned by \'\'Alex Grig\'\', \'\'SAS Group\'\', \'\'Star Divide\'\', \'\'Fresh\'\' and \'\'Nor Zovk\'\' purchased the spread (due to the suppliers\' documents) and sold it as butter, Mediamax reports.

A kilogram of the vegetable-oil spread is cheaper than butter by almost AMD 1000. It\'s the inferior substitute of butter produced with the extract of vegetable and milk oils with a total of 39-95% fat content.

Taking into account the similar character of the violations in all the cases and the fact that the violations are eliminated in all the subjects, the Commission decided to impose a penalty on all the 10 subjects at AMD 3mln and give them a severe reprimand.

Chairman of the SCPEC Artak Shaboyan stressed that in case of detecting such violations for the second time the penalty \'\'will be several times more\'\'.
The majority of the representatives of the companies violators present at the session admitted the fact of abuses. Only \'\'Cartel Anna\'\' LTD representative was against the Commission\'s decision and he declared he would appeal against it.

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