State budget 2012 is a “budget of emigration”, former Armenian PM thinks

17.11.2011 | 14:31 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Former Armenian Prime Minister Hrant Bagratyan stated today that the draft state budget 2012 presented by the government is a “budget of emigration”.

The former PM said that 2012 will be “lucky for the rich while the poor will keep getting poorer”, Mediamax reports.

“The statements on increase in taxes for the rich are completely false as the share of the rich will make AMD 2-2.5bln out of the AMD 101bln additional tax revenues planned by the government”, noted Hrant Bagratyan.

He noted that in conditions of 15% growth of prices for foodstuffs in 2012, pensions will be increased by only 10% meaning that pensioners will get poorer by 5%.

“I urge the President and the RPA in the first place to dismiss the Prime Minister and then the Head of the Central Bank and Minister of Finance”, stated Hrant Bagratyan.

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