Inflation returns to “controllable limits”, Armenian Minister of Finance says

09.09.2011 | 16:04 Home / News / News /
Yerevan/Mediamax/. According to the forecast of Armenian Minister of Finance Vache Gabrielyan based on the results of 2011, the inflation will remain within 5%.

During his meeting with journalists, Vache Gabrielyan confirmed the assessment made by Fitch agency according to which Armenia registers a long-term low inflationary background, Mediamax reports.

\'\'In 2008-2010, the inflation in Armenia was within 3% on average which is a low index by international standards\'\', said the Minister adding that the inflation in the country is returning to \'\'controllable limits\'\'.

As for the improvement of the business atmosphere in Armenia, Vache Gabrielyan noted that there are obviously positive changes in the sphere: decrease in the number of checks, facilitation of the process of setting up a business and tax procedures particularly.

The Minister stated that \'\'Stable\'\' assessment of Armenia\'s rating given by Fitch Ratings resulted from effective management.

Vache Gabrielyan underlined the fact that Armenia ranks between Georgia (B+) and Azerbaijan (BBB-) in the Rating. \'\'Armenia and Georgia share many common points: the external balance deficit and economic growth particularly, whereas Georgia has more debt load than us in the private sector\'\', stated the Minister.

In early September, Fitch Ratings affirmed Armenia\'s long-term imminent default rating in the national and foreign currency at BB- level, with \'\'Stable\'\' forecast.
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