First voluntary livestock cooperatives start emerging in Armenia

31.08.2011 | 14:03 Home / News / News /
Yerevan/Mediamax/. 18 voluntary  cooperatives are established in 5 rural communities of Armenia within the program implemented by the World Bank (WB) in cooperation with the Armenian government.

Gagik Khachatryan, the Director of Bureau of Agricultural Programs Realization at the Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia, said today that the program will last till 2015 and will cover 55 rural communities of 6 marzes (Aragatsotn, Shirak, Lori, Tavush, Gegharkunik and Syunik), Mediamax reports.

The program is expected to result in raising the effectiveness of use of 14% pastures in Armenia which will increase milk and meat production by 15-20%.

According to Gagik Khachatryan, the pastures which make 1/3 of Armenia\'s territory are used in an extremely inefficient way which is a serious ecological threat as well. He noted that the program aimed at rational use of pastures and enhancement of waste management will stop soil degradation and ensure preservation of biological diversity.

The WB approved allocation of USD 16mln credit for this program in March 2011. The total cost of the program makes USD 21.3mln and USD5.3mln out of the total sum will be allotted by the Armenian government.

Head of WB Yerevan Office Jean-Michel Happi noted that if the program proves to be effective the WB will consider the possibility of its expansion in other marzes of Armenia.
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