Economic activity in Armenia grows by 7% in July, construction reduces by 1/3

20.08.2011 | 13:13 Home / News / News /
Yerevan/Mediamax/. As of July 2011, economic activity index in Armenia grew by 7% against July 2010, Mediamax was told in the Armenian National Statistical Service.

Starting from early 2011, the Armenian National Statistical Service has been publishing economy activity index instead of GDP increase/decrease index.

As of July 2011, the volume of industrial production made AMD 78bln 165.4mln, having increased by 10.2% against July 2010. The trade turnover increased by 5.9% in July (AMD 165bln 961.8mln), and the volume of services – by 5.3% (AMD 78bln 474mln).

32.4% growth against the same period of 2010 is registered in the agriculture and 32.2% decrease is registered in the construction sphere.

As of July 2011, average monthly salary in Armenia increased by 6.7% against the same period of 2010, having made AMD120 836 (USD330).
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