Yerevan/Mediamax/. The drawing of a voucher to Paris organized within the “Holiday” deposit was held in Anelik Bank.585 depositors who opened deposits in the bank in the period between May 3 and August 3, 2011 took part in the drawing, as a result of which one of the bank’s depositors won the voucher for 2 persons.As head of the Anelik Bank PR Management Department Armen Arevyan said, the number of banks’ depositors has grown over 75% during the last year, and the deposit portfolio attracted from individuals grew nearly 70%, reaching AMD 6bln.The deposit portfolio has grown by almost AMD 3.3bln since early 2011 and the number of depositors - by 30%.According to Arevyan, the growth was ensured not only by the “Holiday” deposit, but also by such deposit products as “Reliable”, “Accumulative”, etc, with the annual rate of up to 12.5%. Tweet Views 5802