Byblos Bank opens a branch in Vanadzor

21.07.2011 | 14:12 Home / News / News /
Yerevan/Mediamax/. On July 20, Byblos Bank Armenia opened its first branch, which is located in the administrative center of the marz of Lori, in the town of Vanadzor.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the branch, the Byblos Bank SAL Board member, Chairman of Byblos Bank SAL CJSC Board, Allan Tome said: “We are sincerely committed to Armenia and its residents, and we hope to play a key role in the development of Vanadzor and neighboring territories”.

According to the bank’s CEO Ararat Ghukasyan, Byblos Bank intends to open another branch in Arabkir community of Yerevan by the end of the year.
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