Economist: There are unacceptable provisions in the draft law on pension reforms

30.05.2011 | 14:40 Home / News / News /
Yerevan/Mediamax/. Director of “Alternative” research center, economist Tatul Manaseryan stated today that there are unacceptable provisions in the draft law on pension reforms.

Mediamax reports that Tatul Manaseryan said that the most vulnerable is the draft law provision, according to which the accumulated means can be provided to private investment funds, in case of bankruptcy of which the government does not bear responsibility.

“Allowing something like that taking place in draft laws means playing cards on pension accumulations”, economist said.

Chairman of Standing Parliamentary Committee on Social Issues Hakob Hakobyan said that the mechanism of transition from the accumulative pension system is not complete yet, and the draft law will yet be revised.

“Research has showed that 16% of the population is aware of the new system, and only 2% are well informed, while 86% complete awareness is required in order to introduce the compulsory component of the pension system”, Hakob Hakobyan said.
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