ProCredit Bank launches “Young Banker Program”

27.05.2011 | 13:21 Home / News / News /
Yerevan/Mediamax/. ProCredit Bank announced the launch of the “Young Banker Program”. The program, which lasts for 6 months, offers a unique opportunity to promising young, motivated people, selected on a competitive basis, to gain thorough theoretical knowledge in Banking, practical skills and a stable job in ProCredit Bank.

ProCredit Bank “Young Banker Program” is designed for last year students and graduates of the Armenian universities, aged 21-25, with little or no experience. 20-25 participants will be selected by the recruitment process common for ProCredit Bank and during the whole period of the program they will be paid on a monthly basis. The most successful participants will be offered an employment at ProCredit Bank in Armenia.

Bank’s Executive Director Bertolt Hertzfeldt stated: “The ProCredit Young Banker Program” has been a successful initiative at ProCredit Group. It is already under way in a number of countries in Eastern Europe and is yielding good results both for the Bank and the young specialists, who start their career in a firmly based organization. I am more than sure that the program will also be very successful in
Armenia, since it will make continuous contribution to the improvement of the labor market.”

The program details are posted on the Bank website:

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