Government to continue “Affordable Dwelling for Young Families” program

04.04.2011 | 14:10 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Armenian government intends to find additional financing sources to continue “Affordable Dwelling for Young families” program.

Deputy Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs of Armenia Arsen Karamyan informed today that since April, 2010, and up to March 18, 2011, young families were provided 315 credits, 204 of which in Yerevan and 111 in the regions of the country.

The total volume of the provided credits makes AMD 2.5bln. The average volume of the credits made AMD 7.9mln, with the term of 12.2 years and annual interest of 10.2%.

Arsen Karamyan noted that the program is meant for solvent young families, the aggregate budget of which makes about 300 thousand AMD per month. “This program is not meant to solve problems of socially insecure layers of the population. It requires availability of a particular financial basis”, Deputy Minister said.

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