“Affordable dwelling for young families” program will continue to receive subsidies

31.03.2011 | 18:18 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Armenian government has made a decision today that in the second quarter of 2011, interest rates on credits, previously issued in the frames of “Affordable dwelling for young families”, will continue being subsidized. The new credit interest rates will also be subsidized.

By another decision, the right for distribution of the apartment social fund, for the first time formed in the republic, belongs to the Armenian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

According to Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian, “Affordable dwelling for young families” program was realized by 90% in Yerevan. He said that due to establishment of crediting privileges for regional consumers, the picture has changed abruptly and the program is speeding up in the marzes.

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