Bagrat Asatryan: CB tools are ineffective

18.03.2011 | 15:36 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. According to former Chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia Bagrat Asatryan, “high inflationary pressures will become Armenia’s companion for the nearest future”.

Mediamax reports that Bagrat Asatryan said today that “this is a consequence of a formed economic mechanism: there are monopolies, oligarchy, legal entities have invaded the political field and the officials have invaded the economy”.

According to him, CB instruments are inefficient for the types of economic system in Armenia. “It is necessary to carry out structural reforms, including legislative, tax and customs ones”, Bagrat Asatryan stated.

“The situation is not tragic, we had worse days, however the current authorities do not have the desire to work”, the economist stated.

MP from “Dashnaktsutiun” faction Ara Nranyan in his turn stated that “there are internal factors, which influence the inflation in Armenia and which are mainly subjective, and there are external factors, which are mainly objective”.

“It is possible to control inflation by influencing the internal subjective factors. Provision of conditions for economic competition and establishment of new workplaces in conditions of high prices is a more important tool than the short-term artificial deterring of price growth”, Ara Nranyan stated.

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