“Anelik Bank” resumes crediting of individuals for purchasing goods by installments

18.03.2011 | 14:50 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. “Anelik Bank” resumes crediting of individuals for purchasing goods by installments.

Mediamax was informed in the press service of “Anelik Bank” that the annual interest rate of the credit will make 21%, the maximum sum – 2mln AMD, the maximum repayment term – 3 years.

Given provision of all the necessary documents, the credit will be issued in the course of 1-2 bank days.

With resumption of the given type of crediting, “Anelik Bank” has replenished the product line of consumer crediting. In particular, the bank issues car credits, mortgage and student credits, as well as provides credits to individuals for purchase of goods by installments.

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