“Anelik Bank” to resume car crediting

15.03.2011 | 15:42 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. “Anelik Bank” announced the resumption of car crediting, within the framework of which it will be possible to purchase cars both from the initial and the secondary markets.

Mediamax was informed in the press service of the bank that for the initial market, the annual interest rate is established at the level of 15% and more (maximum repayment term – 5 years), and for the secondary market – starting from 18% (maximum repayment term – 3 years).

According to the Head of Credit Department of “Anelik Bank” CJSC Hayk Grigoryan, the distinctive peculiarity of the car crediting program is the opportunity to receive the credit for purchasing a car of foreign production with the age of over 10 years. At the same time, by the time of full repayment of the credit, the age of the car should not exceed 15 years.

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