“Liqvor” to open a new medicine production plant in Armenia

03.03.2011 | 16:20 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Director of “Liqvor” CJSC Sergey Matevosyan stated today that the company will launch its new medicine production plant in June, 2011.

Mediamax reports that in a conversation with journalists he noted today that the main construction works have already been completed and they only need to install and assemble the equipment.

Sergey Matevosyan noted that the project of the new plant’s construction is of international nature, since “Liqvor” shareholder – European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, participates in it. The government of Armenia also participates in it. It provided them a privileged loan in 2009 within the framework of the crisis-prevention program.

For construction of the new plant the company used its own financial means as well. The total cost of the project is estimated at the volume of USD 3.5-4mln.

“The new equipment will allow increasing the production volumes 2.5 times”, Sergey Matevosyan stated. He noted that the company does not plan to change the main sphere of activity – production of sterile medicaments. “We will work in the direction of import substitution and will introduce 4-5 new medicaments in the market each year”, the Head of “Liqvor” stated.

Armenian Minister of Economy Tigran Davtyan, who got familiar with the plant construction process today, noted that this is a good example of cooperation in the format of government-private sector. He reminded that the loan assistance to “Liqvor” Company from the part of the government makes 900mln AMD. From this sum, the government has already provided 400mln AMD to the company.

The volume of “Liqvor” production in 2010 made 1.19bln AMD. Almost 40% of the company’s production is exported to Georgia, Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and other countries.

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