Armenian government facilitated the procedure of receiving construction permits

03.03.2011 | 15:22 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. At its today’s session, Armenian government made a decision on facilitating the procedure of receiving permissions for starting construction works.

Mediamax reports that Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian stated today that this decision will have serious influence on improving Armenia’s positions in business rating.

According to the Prime Minister, today, in order to receive permissions, the entrepreneurs have to spend at least 137 days, undergoing 20 procedures and spending over AMD 1mln; however, after approval of the new order, the term for receiving all the necessary documents will be reduced to 27 days, and the number of procedures – to 7.

Minister of Urban Development of Armenia Vardan Vardanyan stated that the new order will significantly reduce expenses and corruption risks, which builders can face, since by today’s decision they abolish all checks for construction except for one check by the state urban development establishment, which will be held at the beginning of the construction works.

In accordance with today’s decision, approval of the architectural plan, the solution of water supply, connection and power supply issues will be united into one single procedure, which will be under the authority of the community, where the construction works are being realized.

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