Armenian government to watch closely the activity of South Caucasus Railway

24.02.2011 | 12:39 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. From now on, the programs of “South Caucasus Railway” CJSC will be minutely discussed. This will help establish control over the company’s investment program, simultaneously ensuring its transparency.

As spokeswoman for the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Armenia, Susanna Tonoyan, told Mediamax, Minister Manuk Vardanian said this at the session of Ministry Board.

The Minister highlighted issues related to tariffs and organization of passenger traffic. The SCR leadership was ordered to streamline the organization of passenger traffic and exclude last year’s mistakes.

The Ministry Board approved directions and volumes of passenger traffic which the “South Caucasus Railway” should implement in 2011.

First Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Hrant Beglarian said that the SCR should work out a flexible passenger carriage policy and revise the railway route policy.

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