Signing of a new coalition agreement will take place this evening in the residence of the Armenian President

17.02.2011 | 10:48 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Signing of a new coalition agreement among the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), “Prosperous Armenia” Party and “Orinats Yerkir” Party will take place this evening in the residence of the Armenian President.

Deputy Chairman of RPA Galust Sahakyan informed Mediamax on this in an interview today. According to him, the signing will take place at 17:00-17:30.

According to the publications in Armenian media, in the new agreement the members of the coalition will state their support for the nomination of the current President Serzh Sargsian for the upcoming presidential elections in 2013.

The ruling coalition was formed after the presidential elections of 2008.

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