ProCredit Bank сelebrates its 3rd anniversary in Armenia

09.02.2011 | 15:46 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. ProCredit Bank celebrates its 3rd anniversary in Armenia.

Over past three years the Bank managed to accumulate a customer base of more than 11,500 individuals and legal entities through its 9 branches spread in Yerevan, Vanadzor, Gyumri and Artashat.

In addition to the loan portfolio of above USD 51.6 mln and attracted USD 25mln deposits from customers at the end of the year 2010, the bank managed to develop and offer competitive solutions to all major services needed by the customers.
“We are looking for more opportunities to become even closer to our customers by truly being “The bank next to you” and capturing our deserved position in the Armenian banking sector over the next,” said the bank's Executive Director Bertolt Hertzfeldt.

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