Armenian CB makes changes into the normative of mandatory reservation

02.02.2011 | 10:09 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Within the framework of actions aimed at de-dollarization, during the February 1 session, the Board of the Central bank (CB) of Armenia made changes into the normative “On Regulation and basic economic norms of banking activity”, particularly changing the normative of mandatory reservation.

As Mediamax was told in CB press service, “staying committed to its policy, the Central Bank makes changes into the normative on mandatory reservation stage by stage, gradually passing to the reservation in Armenian drams.”

At the given stage it’s been established that the 9% reservation (instead of previous 6%) from each attracted foreign currency deposit is made in Armenian drams; the rest 3% - in euro, if the deposit is made in Euros, and in US dollars, if the deposit is in dollars or other currency (the minimal reservation size being 12%).

The requirements of the new normative come into force from the moment of adoption and will apply to all banks from February 8, 2011 starting from the accounting period of reservation.

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