“Troika Dialogue” Head Ruben Vardanyan intends to “change the profession” after 2012

01.02.2011 | 15:35 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Head of “Troika Dialogue” Company, member of “National Competitiveness Fund of Armenia” Board of Trustees Ruben Vardanyan intends to “change the profession” after 2012.

Mediamax reports that Ruben Vardanyan said this in an interview to “Finance” magazine. Answering the question on the reaction of “Troika Dialogue” big shareholder Standard Bank to the possible decision to sell the Company, Ruben Vardanyan stated:

“I told them that after 2012 I was going to change the profession. That means they knew that such an option was possible”.

Answering the question on what he will do with the money he will receive after sale of “Troika Dialogue”, Ruben Vardanyan stated that “I did not even think about it”, and noted that “I have a great number of various projects”.

At that, Head of “Troika Dialogue” made it clear that he does not plan to continue dealing with business.

“If I go, I will go. Why sell a business to become a banker again? Although, if I tell you that now, you will remind me in 2012: “Ruben, but you told me in the interview that you would go, but you don’t”.  

Answering the question on whether he has any economic ideas, which have inspired him or made him ponder, Ruben Vardanyan stated:

“The moral-ethical component of business makes me ponder seriously. The model of “invisible hand of the market” does not work. I don’t believe the model, according to which the state as an institution can be an efficient owner. It has different functions. This is why, if someone tells me about any new model, I immediately think how the role of the state or “network people” will be changing in future. For instance, they say that in XXI century, people will become the main asset. And these people will be able to freely move from one country to another, live and work where it is more secure for them, where they can realize themselves. But then the countries will have really big problems, at that, all the countries. It is known that there are 3-5% of people, who change the world and really influence the future. If they do foot voting, limitation will be imposed on emigration. Since, if they leave, it will be the end of any country”.

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