In 2010, tax proceeds to the Armenian state budget will exceed the planned index by AMD 20bln

30.12.2010 | 13:23 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Armenian government fulfilled the indices of the state budget for 2010, Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian stated.

Mediamax reports that, speaking at the final session of the government, Tigran Sargsian stated that in 2010 the revenue part of the state budget has been exceeded, and certain savings were made as to the expenditure part.

According to him, the deficit of the budget will be lower, as compared to the planned level, and the single remainder at the end of the year will make about 30bln AMD. Tigran Sargsian stated that 46bln AMD more will be left in the Stabilization Fund.

In 2010, tax proceeds to the budget will make 590bln AMD, which is 20bln AMD more, as compared to the planned index. Tigran Sargsian stated that as compared to 2009, the tax proceeds increased approximately by 72bln AMD or by 14%.

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