Registration of cars and their removal from the register in Armenia to become cheaper

13.12.2010 | 12:24 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. The order of Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian to facilitate conditions of CTP (Compulsory Third-Party Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles) for villagers concerns the procedure and cost of registration of cars and their removal from the register in the Police.

Mediamax was informed in the press service of Car Insurers’ Bureau of Armenia that the organization has elaborated schemes for concluding CTP agreements for the term of 3 and more months, but since registration of a car and its removal from the register in the Police costs citizens 5000 AMD each, it turns out that they practically do not benefit from insurance of the car only for the term of its being on the register.

“This is why it is expected that registration of cars and their removal from the register in the Police will become cheaper or free of charge”, Car Insurers’ Bureau press service informed.

The order of the Prime Minister concerns motor vehicles of villagers, who use their cars only a few months a year. It is expected that the corresponding draft of the Armenian Police will be presented at the session of the government this week.

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