The Banker declared “Ameriabank” the best bank of the year in Armenia

03.12.2010 | 15:56 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. “Ameriabank” is declared the best bank of Armenia for the year 2010.

Mediamax was informed in the press service of the bank that the solemn awarding ceremony of “Best Bank of the Year” by “The Banker” took place in London on December 2.

Organizers of the contest noted that while choosing “Ameriabank” as the best bank of Armenia in 2010, they took into account a number of criteria: development speeds of the bank, wide spectrum of services, attraction of USD 85mln from international financial structures and their successful placement, minimum volume of idle assets, successful merger with “Cascade Bank”, as well as innovativeness and progressiveness of the bank.

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