Armenian CB continues realizing USD interventions, Bagrat Asatryan believes

22.11.2010 | 15:57 Home / News / News /
Yerevan /Mediamax/. Central Bank (CB) of Armenia continues realizing USD interventions, and 10% reduction of external reserves of the country this year is an evidence of the fact, Bagrat Asatryan stated. 

Answering the question of Mediamax at a news conference today on the reasons of Armenian currency’s appreciation, Bagrat Asatryan stated that in current economic conditions, depreciation of Armenian currency would be more logical, however, by its appreciation, CB tries to deter the increasing inflation, which is reaching 8-9%.

“Armenian CB, as other central banks, never admits that it carries out currency interventions, but a fact is a fact”, Bagrat Asatryan stated.
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