There is an intention to develop cognac production on the basis of Armenian cognac alcohol on the territory of Belarus

06.10.2010 | 15:32 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. There is an intention to develop cognac production on the basis of Armenian cognac alcohol on the territory of Belarus.

Mediamax reports that Byelorussian Ambassador to Armenia Stepan Sukharenko informed journalists on this in Yerevan today. According to him, the rumors, circulating in Armenian press concerning production of Armenian cognac in Belarus, are fantasies, which have appeared because of absence of information. He stressed that they plan to supply cognac alcohol from Armenia to Minsk, realize ageing there and produce cognac under a Byelorussian brand.

Stepan Sukharenko stressed that “most likely, the concerns about production of cognac in Belarus occur among competitors, which supply us with cognac”.

Speaking of Armenian-Byelorussian relations, Stepan Sukharenko described them as advanced. He stressed activeness of the political dialogue and the high level of relations in foreign policy. The Ambassador noted that trade turnover between the countries increased ten times over the past ten years. As of September, 2010, the trade turnover between Armenia and Belarus makes $40mln.

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