Armenian SCPEC fined “Lusakert Poultry Factory” for 5mln AMD

29.09.2010 | 14:48 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. State Committee for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) of Armenia fined “Lusakert Poultry Factory” CJSC for 5mln AMD.

As the representative of the Committee Hayk Vardanyan stated at the session of SCPEC, the company did not fulfill the previous decision of the Committee, made on July 28, and did not withdraw within 20 days the eggs, lacking a date on them, from trade outlets. According to him, the company did not pay the fine at the volume of 500 thousand AMD either and did not present SCPEC with the corresponding information on fulfillment of the decision and the receipt for payment of the fine.

Hayk Vardanyan noted that from September 1 to 15, SCPEC held a monitoring in Yerevan supermarkets, where they revealed eggs of “Lusakert Poultry Factory” CJSC production, lacking dates on them.

Chairman of the Committee stated that eggs, named “Corn Eggs”, “Eggs Cell”, “Village Eggs”, “Children Eggs”, “Elite Eggs”, “Dietary Eggs”, and “Iodated Eggs”, lacking dates on them, were revealed in trade outlets.

The Committee made a decision to fine “Lusakert Poultry Factory” CJSC for 500 thousand AMD for each type of eggs, as well as for 1mln AMD for non-fulfillment of SCPEC decision, made on June 28. The Committee also ordered the company to withdraw the product, lacking a date on it, from the trade outlets within 20 days and to further on rule out the possibility of such unfair competition phenomena and within 10 days present a receipt on having paid the fine.

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