Process of big enterprises’ liquidation should take place given antimonopoly Committee’s permission, Armenian SCPEC Head stated

27.09.2010 | 10:26 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Using the problems of existing legislation, the dominating economy entity may make a violation, harm economy and consumers, and liquidate its company and remain unpunished, stated Head of State Committee for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) of Armenia Artak Shaboyan.

Mediamax was informed in the press service of SCPEC that during the discussion on changes in antimonopoly legislation with non-governmental and legal organizations of Armenia, Artak Shaboyan informed that the new bill, in particular, provides ban on liquidation of big enterprises without the correspondent permission of the Committee.

The most notable case, described by Shaboyan, took place in 2008, when “Salex Group” company belonging to MP Samvel Alexanyan and dealing with diversified business made a number of violations of dominating position and was liquidated, thus avoiding payment of fines. Later another company “Alex Group” was established instead of it, which is also notorious for many violations of dominating position and cases of unfair competition.

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