Armenian government starts discussion of the state budget for 2011

03.09.2010 | 14:50 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. On September 6, the Armenian government will start discussion of the text part of the draft state budget for 2011.

As Armenian Minister of Finance Tigran Davtyan stated at the session today, the state budget 2011 is based on the medium-term program of government expenses.

Tigran Davtyan asked all Ministries and Departments to present the Ministry of Finance with all the proposals concerning the text part of the draft within a month.

Today, Armenian government made a decision to include the loan means of the second additional financing under “Armenian Social Investments Fund” program of the World Bank at the volume of $7mln into the state budget of 2010.

Tigran Davtyan stated that the goal of this program is to assist the leadership of the country in improving the level of life among socially insecure and vulnerable layers of the population by means of expanding infrastructural programs, requiring labor force.

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