About 9.5bln AMD entered NKR state budget in the first half of 2010

01.09.2010 | 11:30 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Following the results of the first half of 2010, over 9bln 466mln 512.1 thousand AMD of tax proceeds, duties and compulsory social insurance payments entered the state budget of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR). This is 6.6% more, as compared to the planned index and 16% more, as compared to the level of the same period of 2009.

Mediamax was informed in NKR State Tax service that 6bln 575mln 360.1 thousand AMD of tax proceeds entered the state budget, as compared to 5bln 406mln 783.4 thousand for the same period last year.

The volume of compulsory social insurance in the first half of the year made 2bln 726mln 873.5 thousand AMD, or 3.6% more, as compared to the level of the same period of 2009.

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